About the Business

Hughes refrigeration & Air-Conditioning services Ltd was started in 1955 and has served the commercial and domestic market within a 30 mile radius of Ascot since that time.

All our engineers hold certificates of competency in refrigerant handling to city and guilds standards. Hughes Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning are part of the Hughes Group. For many years Hughes Group have offered property maintenance services to client in the Home Counties. Due to client demand they have extended the portfolio to incorporate many other services providing customers with a one stop shop for everything required to build, refurbish, improve or maintain their home.

Their strengths are many and their ability to understand their client's needs, appoint the appropriate skills, work to time and budget and above all deliver a result which exceeds expectations, is their commitment to you. Hughes can deliver anything and everything required for the home, from building the home to cleaning it on a regular basis.

Location & Hours

Bridge Works/Bridge Rd

Ascot, SL5 9NL
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